March 30th 2016. Para-para-paradise!

Do. Not. Worry. I know I talk about some woo-woo stuff, but my paradise title isn’t going to lead to some koolaid-drinking, afterlife-seeking craziness! It’s just that…I had an excellent day. So many parts of the day just went well. The sun was shining gloriously but the temperature was refreshingly cool the six times I was out walking. My dogs wanted lots of love and cuddles. I spoke with a wonderful friend who loves me so much and it felt so good. Another friend surprised me with a purposely belated birthday gift to make it a special month instead of a special day. My mother surprised me with a visit and some help I needed but wouldn’t have asked for. There were so many synchronicities and smile-worthy moments that I actually lost count. And this all happened on a day I woke up with a migraine that I actually managed to get rid of in time to work.

Sometimes we have to escape. Sometimes we long for a trip to “paradise”; a cottage, a beach vacation, a cruise, etc. And sure, some people long for that afterlife kind of paradise. But sometimes just fully showing up to where we are, being present and grateful, presents us with a little taste of paradise. “When she was just a girl she expected the world, but it flew away from her reach so she ran away in her sleep and dreamed of paradise, every time she closed her eyes.” Sometimes we just have to remember to re-open our eyes. With love, light, and song… ~Melissa~

Listen here: Paradise * by Coldplay & Brian Eno * from the album Mylo Xyloto (2011)

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