Sometimes we all need a little attitude adjustment. I’d like to think I’m doing better than I used to do, keeping a positive spin and a grin on my outings in the world (compared to chagrins of old!). But yesterday as I rushed into an appointment, and my practitioner was running late anyway, and I was hot, and traffic had been sticky, and I knew I was inconveniencing the person helping me with a ride, and the song on the radio was so annoying, and and and… Lo and behold, what song came on next in the waiting room? “Put a little love in your heart… and the world will be a better place for you and me just wait and see!” Thanks for the reminder, Universe Radio. Needless to say, I changed my tune, sat, breathed, and smiled. There is so much room for so much love in my heart, and I definitely want my attitude to help make the world a better place! With love, light, and song… ~Melissa~
I’m just “tuning in” to your use of “Universe Radio” now. So clever and so true. I used to listen to the radio late at night when I was a teenager and wish for my favourite song to be played and guaranteed I would hear it within 3 songs. Three has always been a powerful number for me. Then there are the times, like in the case of your post, where you hear the song you need to hear. If a song resonates nowadays, I buy it without knowing the lyrics or the artist and low and behold after listening to it on repeat, I feel less alone or there is something in the song I needed to hear. The Universe Radio is powerful. xoxoxo
So powerful indeed! The synchronistic tunes are appearing to me so much lately that I’m almost forgetting they a) don’t jump out at everyone else, and b) would make good blog posts! 😉 I’m so touched this resonates with you and thank you so much for commenting! xo