Obviously today is St. Patrick’s Day. Not obviously, one of the most amazing kids in the world was born on this day eight years ago, and I had the surprise pleasure of being with his beautiful mom when her water broke and seeing so much joy fill her face as it all became real in that moment. This darling child has Jewish roots from Hungary, which is unexpectedly relevant to today’s piece. Also not obviously, one year ago today was the Irish Catholic funeral of another dear friend’s beloved father. I had the tremendous honour of singing during the service. Life…always up, always down, always everything in between. As a keeper of dates, this one’s an emotional stunner for me.
Coming or going, graduating, marrying, retiring, emerging fresh into the world or passing on into the next, these beautiful words of The Olde Irish Blessing should be gifted to everyone at some point in life. “May the road rise to meet you; may the wind be always at your back; the sunshine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.”
Denes Agay composed the beautiful version of the blessing that I was privileged to sing at the funeral service. Here is a recording of the choral version sung by the Sprague High School Choir. Not a famous choir, but this is lovely. Agay also included the phrase: “May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord cause his face to shine upon you and give you peace.” Agay was a Jewish Hungarian composer who emigrated to the U.S. at the brink of WW2, but sadly his parents remained, and perished in the holocaust. How people carry on with life after such loss, including my own ancestors, I’ve yet to fully comprehend. Thank goodness for music that helps us. And this song is such a beautiful creation of melded culture: an Irish blessing in English text set to a melody by a Hungarian Jew, and often sung in Catholic/Christian settings. Music truly is the universal language. Insert deity of your choosing, and please accept this lovely blessing for yourself as you listen. We are all connected, in infinite, entangled ways, and it’s beautiful. With love, light, and song… ~Melissa~